Obesity in Children
Child obesity, policy, development plans, ministryAbstract
Objective: The aim of this study is to analyse the measures taken, policies implemented and regulations made for childhood obesity in Turkey. Childhood obesity is a health problem associated with abnormal fat accumulation in the body, and increasing technological use and sedentary lifestyle make this problem even more serious.
Method: In this study, policies and practices on childhood obesity carried out by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of National Education and Ministry of Agriculture were analysed through a literature review. In addition, the effects of national awareness-raising campaigns, regulations in school canteens and initiatives promoting healthy living were evaluated. Reports of relevant public institutions, legal regulations and policy documents were used in the data collection process.
Findings: In Turkey, healthy nutrition, physical activity promotion and awareness-raising activities are carried out to combat childhood obesity. Campaigns such as offering healthy products in school canteens, reducing salt consumption, increasing taxes on unhealthy foods and raising public awareness through mass media are implemented. In addition, the Department of Healthy Nutrition and Active Life provides materials and guides for children. Suggestions such as appointing dieticians in schools, organising healthy nutrition seminars and involving parents in this process are also evaluated.
Conclusion: In the fight against obesity, it is of critical importance to instil healthy eating habits from an early age. Raising awareness of children and families, continuity of education programmes and increasing canteen/dining hall inspections will support this process. It is important to encourage fun and sustainable practices for children in order to reduce obesity rates and improve the quality of life in future generations.
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