Investigation of Institutional Satisfaction Levels and Customer Loyalty among Elderly People in Nursing Homes, Elderly Care and Rehabilitation Centers



Nursing home, satisfaction, elderly care.


 Purpose:  As in the world, the rate of increase in the elderly population is quite high in our country, and one of the most important social problems experienced in old age is the care of the elderly. In parallel with the developments in technology, health technologies and new inventions have prolonged human life. It is very important for the elderly to live a peaceful life by taking care of them. Especially recent policies are aimed at ensuring that the elderly live a healthy and peaceful life.  The aim of this study is to determine the opinions of the residents of nursing homes, elderly care and rehabilitation centers in Sivas about the institution they stay in.

Methods:    In the study, a questionnaire was applied to 198 people staying in private and public nursing homes, care homes and rehabilitation centers without selecting a sample. After the questions about the introductory characteristics of the participants, answers were received to 25 statements prepared in 5-point Likert type. The results obtained were analyzed with SPSS package program. After the frequency and percentage of selection of the statements in the questionnaire were given, analyzes were made to determine the difference of the descriptive characteristics according to the statements in the scale. Significant differences were presented in separate tables after analyzes were conducted to determine whether the participants' descriptive characteristics differed according to the statements in the scale.  

Results:   As a result of the study, it was observed that the majority of the participants were between the ages of 65-75, illiterate and single. Although it was determined that the elderly staying in both private and public institutions were generally satisfied with their institutions, it was determined that those staying in public institutions were more satisfied than those staying in private institutions.

Conclusions:   As a result, it will be possible to increase the satisfaction and quality of the guest satisfaction in nursing homes operating in both private and public sectors, and to increase the satisfaction and quality further by inspecting the institutions operating in the private sector more and setting new rules.


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How to Cite

AKPINAR, E. N., & MISIRLIOĞLU, A. (2024). Investigation of Institutional Satisfaction Levels and Customer Loyalty among Elderly People in Nursing Homes, Elderly Care and Rehabilitation Centers. InHealth Theory, 1(1). Retrieved from

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